After my stay in the hospital I startet slowly from Würzburg.
The sign at my door in the hospital.... :P
The poo-chair become a move-chair
Church in Würzburg at the eastside.
The ship is called the "Arte Noah" and has - surprise - an art gallery in it :D :)
The Arte Noah again :)
Church in a hill :)
Again :)
Marktbreit was the city with the most oldest buildings I have seen on the road for now. (from the center I made no pictures, cause it is f%&'!* stepply :P )
Also Marktbreit
My first stop to sleep after Würzburg brought me to Hüttenstadt and a private room from family Nagler. A realy nice room for only 30 Euro with breakfast.
My bathroom.
Sleepingroom with balcony.
A big wodden horse :)
Thuesday the 25th of march
The breakfast from Family Nagler. (a so huge breakfast, that I could have lunch from it :P )
After the Breakfast I drove to Nürnberg. A few KM before Nürnberg in Fürth I decided to sleep the first night im my tent, so I searched for a nice place to stay. I found it behind some threes at a small river, where less people can see me.
I used my cooking stuff the first time and made some spaghetti pesto. :)
My tent with a tarp under it.
I ate in the tent and watched some TV :P Was a feeling a bit like at home. :) In the morning at the small river some people made a water test. I cryed to them if everything is okay, with the water. “Not really!” was the answer. The same water I cooked my dinner with :P But I cleaned it with my waterfilter and cooked it, so it should be not a big problem. After this start in the day I drove trough Nürnberg. I only saw a small part of it, but this part was not really beautifull. Sunstudios, bet-and-win-shops, bedraggled houses... in the time I drove along the mainstreet, the police was three times bothers with a crowd of wicked people, clearing problems.
I visited a bycicle store and Dieter, the owner helped me, to measure my correct position on the bike. After this my knee problems are away now!
MUCH thanks to Dieter from Pedelec in Nürnberg!!! I could really recommend you this store. Professional and helpfully! (

This is the Zeppelin-Arena in Nürnberg. A really old sportarena.

Still in use from the youngsters... :P
...and the older ones. :)
Dominik and me :)
Wednesday the 26th of march
Dominik let me sleep a bit longer and already left, while I stud up. Today I found no motivation.... A cloudy day and I have to sleep in my tent. I left late and stopped bevor I reached the street, to eat a sausage. After the next 50 meter I stopped again to eat a piece of cake :D Then a message from Kai from warmshowers reached me, that he will host me for the night. So I could drive full motivated now, looking forward to a warm bed. :)
The day was cloudy and a bit boring, so I spend my time in training to pee while driving. In the beginning it dosen't work well, but time by time, it worked better.....
here you can see traces from the beaver
I was surprised about this tripods. After a while, I saw that hawks rest on it, and search for feed. Later I get explained from Gabi, that it is a pitty, that people have to do this. Cause we have to do this, in case that there are no threes any more.
Ih-Ah :)
Little figures on the way :)
Looks like the little lamp from Daniel Düsentrieb.
Spider Thekla :)
first it looks not that impressive, until I saw the little man riding it. :D
As I reached Beilngries, and drove through Kais street a woman came to me, laughing and asked, where I want to go to. As I told her, that I'm searching for somebodies home, she said “oh you want to Kai – we invated you for dinner tonight” :D
Arrived at Kais home I became a warm welcome and also a warm shower, which was a very special one.... :)
Kais warm shower in his garden. Was really romantic. :)
Kai is an artist and makes nice status out of wood.
Kais Garden
My favorite figure :)
Kais atelier
Kais livingroom.
from the other side. :)
Later we had dinner at Gabis home. There where two Gabis, the one I meet on the street already and the one we visited at home. She makes beautifully things out of earthenware. We had a great meal and nice conversations. :)
At the house of Gabi in her beautiful kitchen.
Johanna, Gabi, Gabi and Kai. :)
We had a good breakfast and Kai and Johanna left, cause Johanna had to take a flight to Schottland, where she will be for the next two month. I packed my things and startet my tour also. Today I drove the biggest distance for now, with 75KM. I reached Regensburg and checked in to a nice hostel. I planned to have a rest, and go out in the night, but I sleeped until a snaring neighbor waked me (at 7 o'clock!!!!).
Me after riding up a hill. (still the hamster-hiccup-problem) :P
This is a "road" my navigation system recommended me - straight ahead! WTF?!
Saturday the 28th of march
I had breakfast and talked to a view people in the livingroom of the hostel. Afterwords I went out with Kasem to see a bit of Regensburg.
The Dom from Regensburg
Me and the Dom from Regensburg
Beautiful details. :)
Kasem explaining the living statue in front of him, that he forgot to paint a spot on his shoe. :P
A really funny sign at a house at the Donau-promenade of Regensburg! While I was laughing about it and told a nun, that it looks realy serious, she explained us the background of this story. There was a man, who was a bus driver. He wanted to open a buscompany here and the government of Regensburg forbid it, cause it's not fancy enough for the Dona-promenade. For any reason the building was burned down and he decided to give the Dona-promenade a special touch, with this kind of commercial sign. A really funny story :D What goes around, comes around :P
(Translation of the sign: TO SELL - Every usage allowed! 1 Squaremeter only 8.000 Euro. Money only cash in a Suitcase! No check, no banktransfer!)
A part of the old citywall of the romans.
Here was not much space between the house and the cliff.
Here the family of my friend Volker welcomed me really heartfull. :) His mother Eva and her husband Peter. We had dinner with nice conversations and afterwords I was picked up from Petra. Petra is an old friend and we went out for a beer and talking about the old and the new things in live. :)
Petra brought me "some" proteins :D
Sunday the 29th of march
In the morning I got a really big breakfast from Eva and Peter. After I prepared my bike with the new bottleholder Eva recived for me, we said good bye and I startet my tour.
Peter and Eva.
Today a bigger distance again with 80KM. The weather wasn't that good, but with backwind I drove really fast :)
Cloudy day, but had a good ride. :)
I had always the feeling, that my saddle fits not correct, and the position I needed, isn't possible with the actual configuration (I talked with my sister and we came to the decision that it will be the best, to buy a new one in Germany already. But there is only one day in Germany left with the actual planning).
As I drove through a small village, I wondered about a bicycle shop... open at sunday?! A SIGN! :D Here I have to buy my new saddle! As I walked in, I saw a brand which already Matze and Dieter recommended me. S-Q Labs, a saddle which is special healthy for the reproductive performance of a man. ;) So after a view tests with the new saddle on my bike I bought it.
Tadaaaa my new saddle!
Early, at around 4pm I arrived in Passau, my fin for today. Here I was welcomed from Steffi and Lucas. Also Steffis partner Fabian arrived with me. We had nice conversations, Lucas and I had a Sandwich and had deeply conversations about the big things in live – women :D
Monday the 30th of march
We had breakfast in the morning
Lucas, Fabian and Steffi. :)
The rest of monday I will write in the next post, cause my internetconnection here is so lame, that I get angry now and want to leave. :P
Thought of the day: Don't take everything so serious! ;) Which you all a great week and a nice easter-weekend! I will be in Viena at this weekend, I think. :)