Sonntag, 22. März 2015

Wednesday the 17th March 2015

Wednesday the 18th of march. The day startet with a breakfast at Matzes home and we said good bye to each other. Thank you again Matze, was a great time and a very good first impression of a warmshowers host! :)

Matze and me

Matze send me to a good route to Würzburg. After a short way up i drove along the Main and had a realy sunny and relaxed day. (AND FLAAAATTT!!!!!) While I drove through the nature, I noticed that all the smell from woods, the fields, the river are getting more intense. While the sun is shining stronger the whet air with the smell of earth and pine is coming from the ground. :) Really a nice smell for a townie. :P

Greetings to Rainer K., was not far from your home. (Now I can understand why you take such a long way to work. Really nice this region. :) )

taking a selfie without looking like a hamster with hiccup is not that easy ;p

Here on a road close to Würzburg. What you can see here is a way for cyclists and a way for walking on the left side. Really good here :) (but don't worry, if you stay for a moment to take a picture, the germans will scream cause they have not enough space, nevertheless :P )

Deutsche Bahn still close to me :D (Grüüüüüßßßeee an die Kollegen :) )

Arrived in Würzburg I asked for a recommendation for good lunch and some people send me to the Ratskeller. Here I took seat at one of the only free seats and meet Franz. He traveld around the world as a docent and told me much about Chinese behaviour. But mostly he told me, that I should find it out by myself. :)

In the back is the Dom, in front of the tower which you can see, you find the Ratskeller

Now I drove to my friends Kati and Jasper. What I didn't know, is that they live on a hill, though Jasper warned me about the last part.

As I arrived, I realized what he meant. I had to drive up the „Schweinepfad“. It was a really thought last part for this day, but I had a great view over Würzburg and will get soon a pleasant surprise.

While i made some photos, I came in touch with a nice couple and we spoke about the accommodation along the way. I told them from the warmshowers network and they invited me, to visit them in Wien. :) Really an open attitude which surprises me positive. :)

The couple from Viena :)

Me on the way up the hill :)

Würzburg :)

Kati, Jasper and Erna, her little daughter welcomed me already up the hill and after a warm shower we had nice conversations about there rallye in Afrika, the crazy people at the zebrabar and other things...

The view out of Katis and Japsers terrace

Thursday the 19th of march.

Jasper lent me his e-bike and I drove with it through Würzburg and visited the Residence and the Dom. It was a really nice experience to drive with the electric bike, especially to drive with a bike and have still a rest for my knee.

With the e-bike on the run through Würzburg :D

on the "Alte Brücke" - old bridge :)

Residence from the front :)

front :D

backside :)

backside :)

other point backside

backside :D

side :)

backside again :P

in the Dom


the big organ (ja so heißt Orgel in Englisch :) )

After a short shopping tour I went to meet Chami, who offered me a bed over warmshowers for a coffee. At his home I meet his friends Markus and Emanuel.

with Chami, Markus and Emanuel

Chemi told me about his live, his bicycle tours and his thinking about deceleration (Entschleunigung – ja eines der viele Wörter die ich auch erst in Leo tippen musste :P ). Together we drove to the Main.
In the back at the top of the hill is Jaspers and Katis home :)

After this short stop i drove up the hill again. With the e-bike was enough muse to make some nice pictures again :)

At night Kati had to go to the hospital cause she had an hard infection. 

Friday the 20th of march.
At the next morning I also feelt a bit sick and thought that it is only cause of the fear to get ill. I said good bye to Jasper and startet again. 

Thanks to Kati and Jasper for the great stay! I felt really welcome! :)

(even Raudi and me became friends in the end ;) )

I was in the middle of Würzburg and had to stop cause of the sickness. I had a little rest. First I wanted to take a room to have a rest for another day to get healthy again. But nothing was free. After this I cryed for Jörg a few times... but he didn't come... also Uwe wasn't there.... so I startet my way to the hospital. First they told me, that I won't get a room, cause I'm infectious, but after I told them, that it is very difficult to build up my tent while searching for Jörg and Uwe they changed there mind and gave me a room. 
(If you don't understand this, imagine how it sounds like when sick people cry the name Jörg or Uwe from the toilet for example ;) )

Thanks on this point to Japser - we meet in the hospital while he looked for his wife and carried all my stuff up in my room! :)

Some people told me already that the first month of this tour will be the hardest... I think about a rest here, until this first month is over. :P

Two days later, after a stay in quarantine, a lot of sleep, Zwieback and tea I feel well again. Tomorrow, I will continue my tour to Neustadt an der Aisch.

Here some off-topic stuff: Japser showed me this nice cups, made in chinese:

I think so cheesy that it's cool again :D

They have a small enhancement on the ground

and if you hold them in the light... TADAAAAAA :D

Have a good start in the week everybody :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hallo Jakob,

    vielen Dank für Deine schönen Impressionen und Danke, dass Du uns an Deiner Tour so teilhaben lässt.

    Ich hoffe sehr, dass es Dir mittlerweile besser geht? Lass Dich davon nicht unterkriegen. Gute Besserung, viele interessante Erfahrungen und weiterhin nette Menschen.

    Good luck,
